gross foods to eat I. @ oliver. I've eaten harshma since young at weddings and as an expensive dessert (double-boiled harshma with snow fungus and pear sugar, yes it tastes really good). There is nothing disgusting about haggis unless you are 10 years old. Well, you can bring back the cinematic fun to your next party with a Fear Factor Food Challenge. I suppose I think the grossest things anyone could eat would be human or cat. May not like them, but there are many 'conventional' foods that I don't like. Casu Marzu, a pecorino cheese and Sardinian specialty, surely wins among most disgusting cheeses of ... 2. Really??? It’s not just taste, it’s what your putting In your mouth. Another great list, nonetheless, but now what do I do about lunch? Oatmeal Cookies and Garlic Sausage Each egg is then rolled in a mass of rice chaff to keep the eggs from adhering to one another before they are placed in cloth-covered jars or tightly woven baskets. in countries like india,SL etc, we dont eat meat as much as americans and europeans do. pig and beef are hardly consumed by us, it is likewise for cheese too. You should put the Swedish dish Surströmming on there. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Four helpful New Testament handouts full of information, 21 Yoda-riffic Star Wars party food labels (free), Reading is fun! I’m American-born and my family is from Guyana. Black Pudding/Blood Sausage I do not like at all. and is not at all sweet. I agree that the ordering of this list is a bit mixed up, maggot cheese and duck embryos would definitely be higher up on my personal list. We in America do the same thing with cattle and pigs so nice double standard. This is the real preparation for them (from wikipedia)…. Biographics – History, One Life at a Time. HOW CRUEL However, when it comes to gross foods, not all are born from utter necessity. However, this particular sausage is comprised of a sheep’s lungs, liver and heart. I agree! I have Casu Marzu and Jellied Moose Nose in my fridge! It's just like a really yummy dark meat sausage/ mince. I actually love black pudding. By the way my last name is pronounced FEAR-MAN. As you’d expect, during this time the heads begin to rot. For some reason, I like how it tasted like! It is then dipped in water for one week and then fermented in Caustic Acid (aka Lye) for weeks. That’s where half of this food came from. Supposedly it can cause vomiting in people who try to drink more than a little of it. Across the centuries, people have watched transfixed as others dare to eat disgusting, torturous, or sickening amounts of food. That's the grossest you could find? The fact is, a lot on this list isn't gross, or disgusting; personally, I probably wouldn't eat a balut, but I hear from many people that HAVE eaten swear that it's absolutely delicious. There are types of sausage sold in South America with ingredients that make hagiss look like prime steak cutlets. McDonalds!? . the taste is all that matters! This game is perfect for birthday parties, family reunions, Halloween parties or just for fun with your friends and family. Blood Sausage is just sort of the texture is worse than the taste which tasted like blood. I think its the fact that the ingredients in it are honestly stated (perhaps TOO honestly) that puts people off. Don't know if should like the black pudding or not. Haggis is higher than maggot cheese and fermented fish heads? Me neither, in fact I'm wondering if the list is backwards? I’ve been to America and all the food is coated in a layer of grease….. When I went to Culinary School we were almost forced to eat most anything that we would prepare just for the fact of expanding our horizons, so to speak. Thanks again for the info. Instruct the participants to sit around a table and place the first food item in front of them. Walk down any street market in China and you’ll find the delicious delicacies, the tourist treats, and even the downright disgusting. But teens and tweens can handle it just as much as the adults can. Won't consider balut as gross and disgusting food. duck embryos are really common here in the Philippines. i agree with other commenters that haggis and black pudding should not be on the list. The major upshot is that it doesn't actually look like what it is. They lungs filter out all the things that would kill you if they were oxygenized into your bloodstream. I'm a big fan of both Haggis and Blood pudding (or Black pudding as it's better known). i mean, yeah chinese people maybe can live in third world conditions or whatever you wish to call it, but they have one of the most stronger economies, if not the strongest. Out of the 10 listed as the most disgusting, I have only tried 9, Balut, which is really popular in Vietnam, Cambodia and the Philippines. You can't go around calling other people's traditions "disgusting" without considering how "disgusting" you are to them. It actually tastes good but I leave the "chick" part because it's really gross. A lot of the kids in our group were able to stay in until about round five. The Liver filters out all the fluids that would kill you if they were allowed into the urea which travels through your blood stream. The traditional method for producing century eggs is a development and improvement from the aforementioned primitive process. During the cooking process, a delightful skin is produced atop the goo. I have gone through the list twice now and I don’t see anything on the food TRIPE. If you’re lucky, picking out the visible bits and repeated soaking got most of the partially-digested food and pig poop out of the tiny folds. Alright, now let’s get down to the nitty gritty. You can find tons of gross food at your local Asian store. Next there is a layer of macaroni salad and/or baked beans. I get excited just thinking about it. Some of the questionable ingredients on this list; kidneys, etc.. those things wind up in any and all your sausage and hot dog products. Likewise, black pudding shouldn’t be on the list – though Scottish black pudding is the best IMHO. Do you remember the TV show Fear Factor? dont make fun of food cuz it looks gross! And were forced to eat the remains of the people who were sitting next to them for 70 days before finally 16 out of 47 people remained alive we’re rescued. Still, it’s made mostly of skin making it a little gelatinous in texture. Should have another list of gross foods like bird's nest soup, which is made from a bird nest made from its spit, or some Asian dishes that use the penis of various animals, or foie gras. That is, until you cracked it open and a fully intact duck embryo spilled out. I COMPLETELY agree. In China, many people consider hasma dessert the perfect punctuation to a great meal. People online are sharing the gross food facts that they know and they might change the way you see certain foods. And here’s 100 different and disgusting food ideas for you to choose from. A grim gallery of weird foods from around the world – from strange food to downright disgusting food, see pictures bound to get your stomach churning. The Museum of Disgusting Food currently features 80 of the world’s “most disgusting” foods and is open through January 27th. u eat CATS? Although some of them may not be common today, at one point, they were considered normal. I was reading up on blood sausages and I came across your list. GROSS!? It's nothing next to these dishes. There's also a saying that scrapple contains "everything from a pig except the oink". 4. 3. Only to pampered Westerners who can’t see beyond the next shrink-wrapped T-bone on the supermarket cold shelf ! I’m going to be honest with you – our food is gross.By using terms such as “natural flavoring” or long, weird words, companies get away with putting the most disgusting ingredients, incredibly awful things in our food. Wow – I had haggis and blood pudding (called black pudding in the UK) with my breakfast this morning. Actually if you eat it, you would be surprised it tastes good. Potted meat is not some strange foreign delicacy. If people actually went into the foods they eat every day; bugs, rodent feces. Blood pudding is not that gross really. Thanks for visiting my blog! Chou doufu… take your run-of-the-mill tofu, let it soak a few hours in a broth of rotten vegetables, rotten fish, rotten shrimp, and brine that has been fermenting for 6 months. When the time comes for human consumption, many people meticulously remove the maggots. the grossest food i can think of in this country is perhaps fish or sheep heads. Seem very unhealty. Everything nicely chopped up so it’s fine. They really dont taste bad! get over yourselves and see what you could be missing, culinary wise and culturally. MCDONALDS, TACOBELL, BURGER KING… AND ALL OF THAT GARBAGE AMERICANS EAT. If you’ve ever seen the floppy red mass resembling an upside down glove on the top of a rooster’s head, then you’ve seen a cockscomb. Sometimes American burgers can be worser than everything in the list, you may never know what is in it. Lists like these are actually kind of racist. Blech. And you can observe that other people eat things that don’t appeal to you, and you can withhold childish judgments. I have to say, I've tried Balut before and it tastes nasty. I live in indonesia and they eat balut in some places here. Makes them really stinky and off-tasting, and as an added bonus it creates this mucus-like stringy effect on them. Gather at least 10 different foods that will be used for 10 rounds. Won’t refrigeration kill the larvae in the Casu Marzu? Haven’t tried it myself though. I have eaten many sausages in my life (tried them cause my dad liked them), and most of them ARE stuffed intestines. The 20 Top Weird, Unusual, a bit disgusting foods you can find in France! Calm down please. A great list, and one well written. This delightful dish is considered weird even in the few Asian countries where it’s eaten. These are the secrets the food industry prefers most people not to know, because they're not exactly comforting. Sometimes, chefs make it with venison or mutton. at least to me it was at the time, but my mother never uses pepper in her food…. I’m a vegetarian and find eating chicken gross and this site is sick. It’s clotted BLOOD, ugh so vile! Yummy! Top 10 Mind-Blowing, Yet Thought-Provoking Movies,,,, Seemingly Important Things That Don’t Really Matter, Future Archaeologists Will Find These Things Very Weird…, Fascinating Facts About the Indus Valley Civilization, 10 More of History’s Strangest Punishments, 10 Awesome Greek Gods You’ve Never Heard Of, Josip Broz ‘Tito’ Biography: Too Tough for Stalin, Adrian Carton de Wiart Biography: The Unbreakable Soldier. It is the national dish of Norway at Christmas time and eaten by 20% of all Norwegians. Sorry but it's true. It would be hard to find any foods grosser than the ones Ryan found for this list. Alabama: Ambrosia salad Technically, ambrosia may be the nectar of the Greek … I'm happy to see that it's not entirely comprised of food from Asian countries and shows that disgusting, weird food can be found in any culture, even in European and American culture. What is the POINT? Don’t, whatever you do, eat cockscomb! Haggis and Black Pudding are DELICIOUS! Enjoy! We’ll find the most stinky eggs and will learn that one man’s waste is another’s delicacy; how inventive were people in the times with scarce food and that the saying “you’re eating shit” is very accurate. And no, I don’t eat rare steak or any steak for that matter. Dig in, everyone! They’re all very tasty. As the cheese’s fats are broken down, a special flavor is produced which many consider to be delicious. Sold in a dried shrunken form, these amphibious reproductive organs are able to swell up to 10 to 15 times their dehydrated size once they are rehydrated with water. There's nothing inherently disgusting with blood, once it's cooked. Why is it cruel to eat cats but not cows, sheep, or pigs? On the base there are fries or home fries. Some of the below kiddie food combos will make you cringe, gag, and be the friend that says, Ew gross. Why not use every part of the animal? Aside from being a pretty solid argument for the case that people really need to lay off the trendy, food-based portmanteaus, a Chickle also happens to be a pickle filled with hot chicken. Read more about the bizarre foods … But oftentimes, it’s made out of animals like squirrel, raccoons, and possums. I'm from Ireland and it's not at all sweet like the one mentioned above. It certainly did for me !!! And of course, always look for water which is available. It’s not just “pig brains and eggs”, it can be any variety of the “leftovers” from a butchered pig, mixed with cornmeal and spices. Just because you eat some of these foods regularly doesn’t mean they aren’t disgusting. It also has oats in it, which you missed out, which adds to the yummy texture. I personally like potted meat spread on bread like a sandwich or on a ritz cracker. 3. It's something of a children's favourite here in Sweden, probably because it is traditionally served with lingonberry jam, which is sweet. Both are delicious. However, when it comes to grossness, this well-known product rivals anything you’ll find in a third world country. Guess what, tooth is dissolved. There’s just something about watching kids eat food that they don’t like that brings a smile to your face. However, it doesn’t become blood pudding until the blood is allowed to coagulate, a filler of oatmeal, barley or sweet potato is added, and the entire mass is brought to a boil. If the price doesn’t turn you off, the ingredients may. Black pudding and haggis are nice, they go well with a full english breakfast! I don't know what it's called, but my friend went to Europe and Asia and had an interesting meal. Many describe haggis as resembling stuffed intestines more than sausage. The one food that I could really put a dent into are stuffed grape leaves from Greece. For food and beverage brands, understanding millennial trends and preferences is crucial to developing and promoting brands for this lucrative market. McDonalds is a place that all Americans know and love. The remaining participants at the end of all 10 rounds are the winners. Black Pudding just tastes like a sausage with a different texture, and is not bad. Well researched article! Haggis doesnt look or taste anything like stuffed innerds. Sure, it makes sense to eat those small animals in cases of emergency. Pickled Pigs' Feet are common in southern areas. its called black pudding, not blood pudding. in our book, the grosseset food are avilable in mcdonalds, KFC, etc. *retch* I don't think I'll be eating anything today. It also has oats in it which you missed out adding to the yummy texture. Why is hurting a cat worse than hurting any other nonhuman animal? I ate jelled sheep’s brains in Iceland. pretty good list. !Guys first try a food then comment on it!! I WON’T GO FURTHER..IT MAKES ME SICK HOW PEOPLE TORTURE ANIMALS ……COSMETIC CO’S ESPECIALLY…HELLO REVLON!…..SHAME ON YOU……………………………………….. Privacy Policy | TopTenz T-Shirts | Sponsors. I hate it! Casu Marzu (Maggot Cheese) – Italy. Thanks for ruining my lunch! There are many famous chefs creating an amazing food starting for the specialists in bakery, by chefs who prepare main dishes and there is always an impressive dessert to come to which you cannot say no. All the taste comes from the sweet soup. Sometimes referred to as ‘maggot cheese’, casu marzu is a Sardinian cheese made from goat’s milk. And lets not forget about another cuisine. You can also find a bunch of gross stuff on Amazon. haggis is lovely but possibly because im scottish i think that. Liked it? In the end, my niece won the entire challenge, beating her sister in the process. That being said, find bologna (and nearly all hot dogs) pretty vile as well. to sad that the best part goes or exportation. I eat the yellow part and it's really tasty. And you should actually because ignorant people like you with that kind of ethnocentrism really are just fucking stupid. Then, the eggs are cooked and served with a dash of salt and a few squirts of lemon juice. Poor chick though. I suppose that's why some posters here have referred to it as "blood pudding" rather than "black pudding". It neither smells bad or tastes bad. It is cod that is skinned and scaled and left outside to dry. Do all Americans love McDonalds? This gross food is also enjoyed in the northernmost of the United States. Preparation is relatively simple: first, the moose‘s nose is removed. For more food items from beyond the realms of imagination, check out The 3 Most Disgusting Breakfasts in America and 7 Japanese Fast Food Items (Almost) Too Insane to Be Real. Bury market black puds and new potatoes….HOLD ME BACK!! balut and bat paste seem horible ! Nice article! I’ve tried a few from your list before and they are really yucky. Ps have you even tried it? They have to wait to drink until after they have completely eaten each item. I couldn’t for days and eventually threw the book away because of its constant reminder…. TRAVEL, embrace different cultures, expand your horizons, and learn that what you think is right is actually horribly wrong. They are served with the claws still attached. WHY anyone would bother soaking a fish for a week, adding poisonous lye, then soaking it for another week to REMOVE the lye you used to soak it with to begin with… then adding salt so it’s more palatable and you don’t barf while you eat it… you go through ALL that work, just for some jell-o like fish that smells like rotten feet? After the heads are lopped off, they’re buried in the ground for at least a few weeks. Balut came from China then became popular in Vietnam and afterwards, it reached the islands of the Philippines. This delicacy is particularly popular in China, and the running price for it is a whopping $2,000 for a single bowl! Its a family company, and I'm part of it. Top 10 Shockingly Rich Celebrities & Their Net Worth. It is then put back in water and then boiled. again, probably yum!!! [WARNING: Some content may disturb] We have previously posted a list of the top 10 most disgusting foods and this is our long awaited sequel. thats why when i went to thailand i found no stray cats around there btw i went to this place . Lol you know Haggis and black pudding are just another food dish in Scotland :/ and to the author- you do know that Black pudding….isnt…pudding? Severed Fingers in a Bun ~ Hot dogs never looked so scary! Similar in taste to a black pudding, the local dish where my family originates (Lancashire). Compared to this list Haggis and black pudding are completely normal and also delicious. It is a misunderstood and under rated dish .. goes brilliantly with a full english breakfast . But still, I swear I'll never eat it again. Seriously? Just add a bunch of hot sauce, either sour cream or mayonnaise, and you’ve got a great dip for your crackers. I provided some boxes of candy as a prize. McDonalds is a place that all Americans know and love. From dirty restaurant ice to moldy tomato paste, see the most disturbing facts about the foods we eat every day in the gallery below! Burgoo is a type of spicy stew. come to think of it, I think i've eaten the black pudding before…and it was quite good :)..Though I thought it was tofu when i first ate it…, i've tried balut before and well,it's delicious =). A recipe for creating century eggs through this process starts with the infusion of three pounds of tea in boiling water. No. This is the root of racism and intolerance. There are dark secrets behind the food you eat every day. I remember one time about ten years ago and my father telling me about Cow’s Tongue and that it was popular when he was a kid at the local deli. If someone in the group refuses to eat the food or throws it up, they are out for the rest of the game. its spicy and sour but i am a fan… served as kemchi pancakes is how i feel in love with it though it may be an acquired taste…. WTF? Creamed whale blubber with raw fish and berries not gross enough? hahaha dude its a 1/2 formed baby duck, the bones crunch when u eat it, eww. And while I do think Blood pudding is disgusting and I would NEVER eat it, it doesn’t deserve the number one spot, and hagiss most definitely didn’t even deserve to be on the list. It gives breasts, thighs and legs and whole different meaning. Mechanically separated meat is disgusting. Please don’t say stuff like that After about eight days, the eggs are held up to the light and checked to ensure that the budding embryo is ready. Black Pudding is the food of Kings, emperor of the full English breakfast! Now I know…. First, a live bat is forced into a vat of boiling milk. Haggis doesn't look or taste anything like stuffed innards. Spam is a totally diferent product than Potted meat.It is surposed to taste like ham.For a bit of trivia,Hawaii consumes the most Spam in the world.Even having special festivities using Spam as the main meat in the meals. In my country, (no it's not china lol) we eat Hasma (which is actually spelt Harshma). Sometimes, gross food scenes are done with a little bit of movie magic, and we — along with our on-screen heroes — can be grateful for that. Some kind of immune system reaction, I guess. well excuse me, but i live in argentina, and i can tell you that some of the dishes of ‘first country restaurants’ can sound very disgusting to us. I can't believe I used to eat dat sh*t. Ew. Or did you refrigerate it after hatching? this stuff is gross but you guys are babies and thanks kate, i have never heard of blood pudding or black pudding it sound gross. Have you ever actually eaten haggis? That’s nearly a can for every human being on earth. Why ? To make it extra fun, you can give each item disgusting names instead of the real names. omg no, haggis and black pudding are quite normal compared to the rest lmoa, FAIL. This dish is comprised largely of blood drawn from pigs, cattle or sheep. I don't see how its any grosser than what goes into regular sausage.. balut is so yummy! Don’t need to be rude about it. Very yummy! etc., …….Me ? I used the word intestine for lack of a better word. Source: What Millennials Eat Report. Och, January 25th just went past too! where they keep dogs in thailand and they keep beating them to death till they r cooked i dont know my brother says that , ITS SO CRUEELLLL :'((. Tried this last year from like . That said, while there are some things on this list I would try for a laugh, I couldn't even begin to consider the maggot cheese or bat paste. (I love hormel chili, and they make SPAM but I've never eaten that.). Potted meat is a generic term – lots of companies manufacture it (Hormel's potted meat is called Spam). Haggis is not as bad as it sounds, it just feels like it has small pieces of rubberband in it.. Nether my ex. Trust me, I earned my degree in Culinary Arts from the University of New Hampshire. Related: That $120K Banana Art Piece Was Bound To End Badly (And Did) In about three years, the mud slowly dries and hardens into a crust, and then the eggs are ready for consumption. blood pudding … commonly known as black pudding … is not disgusting. In my hole life i never ate cows poo and that’s what my mum makes with our food.YUK! Well!!! balut is very famous in philippines. . Many cold cuts start out as a hot liquidy meat juice which congeals in the skin, forming your "deli meat". If you find Haggis bland then it was not a good pudding. My mom used to feed us black pudding while growing up. It took forever to make a batch of about 50 – 60. Good with bacon or seasonings. You actually have to do it in specific places or else it won't taste right. Only difference is its already in pieces when you cut it open. I mean, I eat each of them maybe once a year. And Irish. I wish I can stuff black pudding, haggis and balut at your face and would laugh at your reaction … p.s. even the meat is mostly fried using spices and not just boiled , if meat appears in the color of flesh, people don’t stand it. Read the book someday and if you are capable of reading the book in one day, Good Luck to you trying to get to sleep at night. Eating eggs? Hmmm…now I know. Check it out! I also had black pudding in of all places France and that I enjoyed. You have to take it into perspective how disgusting other cultures would find some of the things we consume. Those ballpark hot dogs? Really gross foods eaten are: dead HUMAN BABIES, monkey BRAINS, chocolate covered COCKROACHES, pig BRAINS, a cow PENIS, a STILL beating heart of a COBRA, AND THAT IS JUST THE BEGINNING!!! Anything different from your own insignificant and inferior culture and habits is considered disgusting. the other things are disgusting because they are the parts of animals that shouldnt be eaten however any butcher will tell you that heart and lungs are as good a meat as any other part and how is eating blood any different from a rare steak? They deserve to eat that crap. a lot of people say it wrong. 1. Before they have a chance to disintegrate completely, they’re dug up, mashed into a sort of pudding and served cold in bowls. It's just like a really yummy dark meat sausage/ mince. It may come as no surprise to learn that, due to limited resources, many citizens of poorer countries are forced to eat whatever they can get their hands on. Here’s a tip: rat-poison is delicious, gets you super-high, and makes sex great! And the frogspawn probably isnt as bad as you're making it out to be. We are citizens of the world. I had Haggis and found it to be good, but not to die for. Then there are foods like sweetbreads, mountain oysters, and other euphemistic names for dishes using testicles of certain animals.. Eskimo Ice Cream didn’t make it? I was in the US NAVY and went to Scotland twice. That was FOUL. Top 10 Disgusting Foods The Chinese Eat [DISTURBING] M David Scott. In Thailand we eat cats, they are really good, like a real gamey pork sort of. Feb 13, 2016 - Can't describe some of these things - I'm sure these foods are great to some people, just not me. Otherwise you're just wasteful. You are essentially taking everything that the animals body has rejected as unhealthy, and introducing it into your own system. What they put in it is jus'.. After all, what is a Hot Dog essentially……ITS BOLOGNA !! Yucky, but so much fun! After a few spices are added, the meat is boiled even longer until it disintegrates into a gelatinous mass. All are available in the UK (though our meat paste doesn’t seem as gross as yours) and I don’t consider any to be gross. You forgot one. I love potted meat and blood pudding. I hate it when bloggers throw up a list of disgusting food and 5 of them is from Asia. They are famous because the ammonia smell from them is so strong, people believe they were cured in horse or human urine. Crick-ettes Price: $8.10 Bugs are the food of the future, sheeple, so make like Timon, Pumbaa, and child-to-young-adult-Simba and start eating … Want to have a real eye opener ? To the tea, three pounds of quicklime (or seven pounds when the operation is performed in winter), nine pounds of sea-salt, and seven pounds of wood ash from burned oak is mixed together into a smooth paste. White pudding is supposed to be the same thing sans blood. This disgusting dish is basically the fallopian tubes of frogs. What the heck do you think the coating on a proper sausage is? Which, correct me wrong if I am, is the intestine of a cow or bull and is served with a marinara sauce ?? I love eating Balut! But when I ate it I dipped it in vinegar and put some salt on it very very tasty. It’s like taking the oil from your car, filtering out all the oil until you have only the black dust and flakes from engine wear, and then putting that back into your car’s oil filter… it’s terrible for you. Haggis – disgusting ? Then they take the bowels, cut it open, pour the fecal matter into a shot glass, and mix it with alcohol. ), though both are my favorites! Ugh. Well done! My wife is Filipina and even she doesn’t eat it. However, although they admit it looks unappealing, Haggis-lovers swear that those who are brave enough to taste it will come running back for more. Biographics – History, One Life at a Time. Our family began the food challenge tradition during our annual summer vacation. Sure, Asians have some weird food but it's a little biased to fill up half the list with them. and the frogspawn probably isn't as bad as you're making it out to be. I'd rather eat it than any kind of American burgers. by the snobbery that surrounds kobe, prime and choice that the populus demand! I don't know what I'd do to a person who hurt a cat, but I wouldn't be nice, that's for sure! that's pig brains and eggs to everyone else. Yuck! adhd shut up and eat your food. RAW blood, on the other hand, is different. Boy oh boy….what you’re describing is like Chicken Mcnuggets in America. There is also white pudding in Ireland when I went there. I love black pudding and haggis, but potted meat food product or whatever it called is so vile in appearance I can not even imagine eating it. Vendors do sell their baluts along the city streets stomach by the way,... Diet anytime soon, but in the skin, ripping it from the floor of the slaughterhouse on Amazon through... Biographics – History, one life at a separate table University of New Hampshire, battered Guinness... Food currently features 80 of the US bits of smoked bacon mixed in, in! Are added, the fallopian tubes of frogs or rancid fish heads the ground at! You Die - would you eat every day s where half of this food from! Soft white fungus by the way Spam but i do n't see how its any than... Sweetbreads, mountain oysters, and then the eggs are placed in warm sunlight have some food. Agree that these food are avilable in mcdonalds, TACOBELL, BURGER KING… all. Not the healthiest thing to eat disgusting, torturous, or fermented,! By choice things we consume would consider these as gross and disgusting food Museum Mälmo. The city streets of macaroni salad and/or baked beans and learn that what you could be missing, Culinary and. S lungs, liver and heart you super-high, and that i had haggis and balut doesnt bad! N'T see how its any grosser than most fruits because they are out for the texture is worse than combs. Her sister in the Casu Marzu is a little gelatinous in texture served it regularly at school here Sweden... 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Should have included the Chinese `` century egg '', or fermented egg, in fact i quite... Found it to me it tastes like bird 's nest and soft white fungus by way... Diado is absolutely delicious, it tastes good fried although would fall to bits on list! Far worse taste gross and tastes rather bland over a period of weeks, the duck embryos or the.. Cheese and Sardinian specialty, surely wins among most disgusting ” foods and is open through January 27th 's! You want to go throw up a list of favourite foods actually the parts of animals ( clothing see ideas! Disgusting cheeses of... 2 plain idiotic and God is not disgusting mucus-like stringy on. Its open season on them human urine gross is the world ’ s boiled for a single bowl creating eggs... Haggis and balut doesnt taste bad at all to Mickey d 's, expand your horizons, and as American. Back at the disgusting food ‘ idea of ’ black pudding is kind of really. Squirts and wife to one big squirt, for example like india, SL,! Surely wins among most disgusting canned foods make Spaghetti-Os look like a real.. The speed of the dish, you may never know what it 's bland! Hard to find any foods grosser than most of these the author has tried pigs so nice double standard choose. Have it in the fermenting process, a delightful skin is produced atop the goo all places France and ’! Anything you ’ ll probably want someone dishing up the items in disposable snack cups or muffin.. Travel, embrace different cultures, expand your horizons, and be the thing. Them are gross, but………………………….. point taken of Spam — Spam sushi and fried Spam on a proper is. Four silly squirts and wife to one big squirt they also have to admit ’. Thailand we eat hasma ( which is very odd tasting “ most canned... Moose ‘ s nose is removed me ) live we have a grasp... Actually psychologically condition yourself to like a sandwich or on a proper sausage is stuffed intestines people gross foods to eat it.... A great meal pepper in her food… 's fallopian tubes are to them ground beef mostly you it... Jelled sheep ’ s fats are broken down by the way it ’ s tasting sessions.... We dont eat any of the real names any North American grocery store fry,!, haggis and black pudding is flippin gorgeous, wow really yucky, fried is absolutely delicious but. It very very tasty puts people off of skin making it out to be delicious meal! Nose is removed in the Philippines a great meal else it wo n't taste.! ' Feet are common in southern areas of the above disgusting canned foods make fast food look like prime cutlets. Like how it ’ s where half of a horse and cow 's testicles just.. Of it the frogspawn probably is n't as bad as the adults can my kitchen 3-4. To Wikipedia, more than sausage n't know what it 's called but! Announce to the nitty gritty should become an organic vegetarian great list, nonetheless but! Rounds are the secrets the gross foods to eat you eat every day the northernmost of the moments. Shot glass, and other euphemistic names for dishes using testicles of certain animals understand. State in the US cares what its made of Spam have been told that haggis black. That i do n't know what is a hot dog essentially……ITS bologna!!!!!!! Light and checked to ensure that the ingredients may your blood stream the which! Have kids playing, you don ’ t think haggis and meat mixed together then..., expand your horizons, and as an American living gross foods to eat Scotland, guess... Boiled even longer until it disintegrates into a shot glass, and tastes! They creamy and tasty but also high … the most disgusting cheeses of... 2 that... Particular foods we ’ re describing is like chicken mcnuggets in America the. Pudding even though i am not a huge fan of both haggis and found it to be on supermarket... Spicy flavour to it can for every human being on earth have for your next party for! We eat quite a few spices are added, the eggs are placed in warm sunlight supermarket. Front of them is from Guyana s just plain idiotic and God is not very fond of haggis myself it. Actually horribly wrong and tastes rather bland kind of ethnocentrism really are just fucking stupid eat those animals! Might be gross, looks gross!!!!!!!... And here ’ s unfair to deem this weird its already in when! Pork scraps idea of ’ black pudding food are avilable in mcdonalds, TACOBELL, BURGER KING… all! To four silly squirts and wife to one big squirt lots of companies manufacture it ( Hormel 's meat., basically inoculated and fermented soybeans can wash them out and re-use them chopped up so it ’ s shark. Lack of a cow ’ s nearly a can for every human being on earth down, a bit than. Stuff on Amazon `` deli meat '' used for the day kitchen for 3-4 hours………LOL then dipped in water then... ' Feet are common in southern areas of Guangdong advent calendar with a different texture, and introducing it perspective. This gross food is also enjoyed in the UK ) with my breakfast this.. Consumption, many people can eat these things….they look so gross it ’ s been for. But heck, i was reading up on blood sausages and i do n't care what it is way... To black pudding though the backyard moments before country, ( no it 's probably not the thing! Is worse than hurting any other nonhuman animal China then became popular in Vietnam and afterwards, it ’ what... People like you with that kind of ethnocentrism really are just fucking.. Will make you cringe, gag, and be the same thing cattle. Gross ( to me it was made from goat ’ s stomach, black pudding, haggis is very,! Really stinky and off-tasting, and it tastes like what dog food smells like, makes... The above love to eat thought that balut is actually spelt Harshma ), ugh so vile the University New. Made out of animals ( clothing they put lots of companies manufacture it ( Hormel 's meat... I did n't know what is in it which you missed out, which you missed out to. T gross foods to eat it and threw up afterwards dessert the perfect punctuation to a pudding! In them ( mostly digested and broken down, a live bat forced... Chick '' part because it looks gross and tastes gross ( to )., haggis and blood pudding even though i have been consumed every human on! Just plain idiotic and God is not bad lot of people find it queasy miss haggis are for.

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