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Their present practice is both unscriptural and unbusinesslike. Therefore, teaching that it is possible to entertain sin in any form is to go against the counsel of God (Mark 7:21-22, James 1:14-15) and goes against our call of bringing those in danger of hellfire out from the flames (Jude 1:23), as well as truly loving ourselves enough to flee from unrighteousness and to love all that is good (1 Cor. We express our desire to continue to be a Presbyterian and Reformed church committed to the Lordship of Jesus Christ and to the Bible as the Word of God. 6:14-5, Gal. Where their preaching was heard, churches sprang up. This may be accomplished in the following ways: a. This statement is also included in the memorial and reads: “The Board of Stewardship shall continue to express its opposition to fund-raising schemes such as bazaars, bake sales, etc., recognizing that in most (if not all) such cases, such efforts represent an effort to escape our responsibility to adhere to the principle of stewardship presented in the Bible.” To sin in thought is to sin in act (Deut. Part and parcel of the Christian life is the call to be transformed into the image of the Son (Rom. d. Ministers should provide continuous encouragement and leadership in the program of stewardship education, For an adequate promotion of an emphasis on the stewardship of life, this is essential. The Reformed Presbyterian Church is, by God's grace, a community of forgiven sinners--people who were once without hope and without God in the World. Download the Women in the Church position paper (PDF). Presbyterian Church. Grace Reformed Presbyterian Church is a congregation within the Bible Presbyterian Church and therefore we have a Presbyterian form of government. A sermon or sermons on stewardship are generally preached; although many ministers get the feeling that such messages do not receive a sympathetic hearing. That position paper was prepared in response to a Synod-approved motion in 1977 that read: “…that our Committee on Theological and Social Concerns be instructed to prepare a position paper on the matter of tithing, with all of its ramifications, in view of Malachi 3:10, and other related passages.” 1. the Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church. (1965 Minutes, page 325), WHEREAS in the meeting of our General Synod in 1997, a “Concise Statement on Biblical Stewardship” was approved, which statement emphasizes the tithe and benevolent offerings as means appointed by God for the financial provision for the ministry of His church; and, WHEREAS the General Synod in 1965 approved the following Statement of Policy: “The Board of Stewardship shall continue to express its opposition to fund-raising schemes such as bazaars, bake sales, etc., recognizing that in most (if not all) such cases, such efforts represent an effort to escape our responsibility to adhere to the principle of stewardship presented in the Bible.” (Minutes, page 325); and, WHEREAS recent research by the Barna Research Group indicates that evangelical Christians in the year 2000 contributed only 2.5 percent of their income to charitable organizations; and, WHEREAS review of the financial statistics of the churches of our Synod would seem to indicate that Associate Reformed Presbyterians by and large are not faithfully tithing to their local congregations; and, WHEREAS many of our congregations are struggling under financial pressure, in some cases due to the rising cost of health insurance for church employees, and seem hard pressed to meet financial obligations, all the while members may not be faithfully tithing; and, WHEREAS in some congregations there has been historically and also recently the practice of raising funds for the support of the church and its work through the engagement of the church or its organizations in the selling of products or merchandise in the name of the church within the community to which the congregation ministers; and. Most frequently these are a hasty re-hash of the budget for the previous year. Little can be accomplished in one year or by one successful campaign; but consistent effort over years will produce abundant fruit.”. Some of the principles articulated by John Calvin are still at the core of Presbyterian beliefs. Guy H. Smith, Jr., Secretary, REPORT OF BOARD OF STEWARDSHIP Visit the Center for Reformed Theology and Apologetics for other useful Reformed confessions, catechisms, and works. However, it soon became evident that with few exceptions, the presbyteries were not willing to take seriously their responsibilities in the area of Christian stewardship.” The report of Synod’s Board of Stewardship was the only paper to come into our hands. The total commitment of life to Christ must be an unceasing emphasis for the sake of personal joy and liberality. The initial Board believed the concern was significant enough that it directed the following comment to Synod: “We hope that someday, in the not-too-distant future, the Synod may have a full-time, trained director of a Department of Stewardship.” Thorough study, planning, organization, promotion and commitment efforts are urged. (2008 Minutes of Synod). 3. We are also a member of the Susquehanna Valley Presbytery. In this way, the Church was “reformed” and her doctrine brought back into line with the Bible. When one has had a personal encounter with Christ and understands His sacrifice in his behalf, then the love, gratitude, obedience and worship, in response, produce a generous heart. a. We believe that the Holy Spirit reveals Christ to us through the Holy Scripture which is the Word of God written. (If a minister does not believe this, we urge him to restudy the Word.). Everywhere there are winds of change in modern culture and society. This means that the believer is to love the Law of God and to loathe sin in all its forms (Rom. (212th General Synod, June 2016), Below is the updated Philosophy of Christian Higher Education, The Board of Stewardship was instructed by the General Synod in June 2003 to respond to a memorial from Catawba Presbytery regarding “financial support and fund-raising in the local church.” Reporting in 2004, the Board of Stewardship recommended its response to be received as information and printed in the Minutes of Synod. “Be it further resolved that this protest be sent to the President of the United States with the humble but fervent request that he reconsider his position on this issue and that he do all that is in his power to save and protect these defenseless children. The Bible is the inspired and inerrant Word of God, the only infallible rule of faith and practice. Item 3: “That each Presbytery consider the advisability of having a Stewardship Workshop and urge the Finance Committee and others of each local church to attend. On the other hand, the church has the opportunity to reexamine issues that were long thought, perhaps wrongly, to have been settled. WHEREAS this matter has been divisive in some congregations, with some believing such practice undermines proper understanding of stewardship and commitment to support the work of the church through tithing and making sacrificial offerings, and further that it may have a negative affect on the mission and witness of the congregation within its community, while others believe such practice is an extension of biblical stewardship and a means of making proper use of God-given skills and talents; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Catawba Presbytery memorializes the General Synod of the Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church in its meeting in June 2003 to instruct its Board of Stewardship, through whatever means of advisement or counsel it may require, to make study of the biblical and pragmatic issues involved in the matter of financial support and fundraising in the local church, and to present to the General Synod for its approval at its meeting in June 2004 a position paper setting forth biblical principles guiding the practice of the local church in regards to proper means for securing the finances necessary for the work of the church. Quite often, these budgets represent little real thought or Christian imagination. This is especially the case when we consider our spiritual union with Christ (1 Cor. Box 475, York, S. C.; and Mrs. R. Y. Williams, secretary-treasurer, 640 Meadowbrook Lane, Rock Hill, S. C. The other members are: F. R. Cates, Mrs. J. D. Chesnut, Mrs. Marvin W. Clemons, Baron R. Nowak and P. L. Wilson, Jr. Respectfully submitted, The study book for the congregational emphasis on stewardship this year be “Stewardship Unlimited,” the same book being used by the women. 22:39) means to love your neighbor as yourself (Lev. Of the seven whereas statements in the memorial, statements 1, 3, 4, and 5 address tithing; statements 2 and 6 fund-raising, and statement 7 addresses both. There are other good recommendations in that report as well that reflect the concerns in our denomination about biblical giving. We affirm that Adam and Eve were special, unique direct creations of God, created in His image, with Adam being formed from the dust of the ground and Eve being made from his side; as such, they were real human beings and the first man and woman; We affirm that the account of the creation of Adam and Eve as found in Genesis 1 and 2 is history; We deny any teaching that claims that the account of creation of Adam and Eve, as found in Genesis 1 and 2, is mythology; We deny any theory that teaches that Adam and Eve descended from other biological life forms and that such a theory can be reasonably reconciled with either the Standards of the Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church or Holy Scripture. They indicated that our real problem is a spiritual ill… a half-hearted commitment to Christ and an inadequate knowledge of His Word produces token givers. (1964 Minutes, page 79). Presbyterian beliefs are rooted in the thought of the French reformer John Calvin. To The General Synod, June 1-5, 1964. Perhaps this is due to the good work of the Moderator of Synod on this subject. The board members have been encouraging the spirit of stewardship on the Presbytery level. 5:1, 1 Cor. By: Catawba Presbytery c. The minister is challenged to use the stewardship material he has in his hands or helps available in assisting his officers to plan a thorough stewardship program. 1:23), and thereby our ability to obey the law of God in heart and life (Rom. Search their hearts before God in relation to their personal Stewardship commitment. Canvassing, pledging budgeting, preaching, and follow-ups should be completed by the end of November. 18:22, Deut 7:2-4, Matt. (Minutes of the General Synod, 1981, p. 402 & 403), WHEREAS, the dark and tragic night of abortion continues to overshadow our land, and. What we believe is core to who we are – here are some summaries of what the Reformed Presbyterian Church believes and teaches: Doctrinal Position The supreme standard for belief and practice is the Bible, received as the inspired and inerrant Word of God. Presbyterians generally exhibit their faith through acts of generosity, hospitality, the constant pursuit of social justice and reform, as well as proclamation the … His teachings were based on the belief in a sovereign God, that is a fundamental element of Presbyterian belief. In the secular world, time-honored role patterns for men and women have undergone considerable change as women have begun to fill roles which were traditionally reserved for men. Adequate interpretation should be given this truth. Item 6. Reformed and Presbyterian churches, name given to various Protestant churches that share a common origin in the Reformation in 16th-century Switzerland.Reformed is the term identifying churches regarded as essentially Calvinistic in doctrine. Our beliefs all stem from a full commitment to the authority of the Bible as the inerrant, infallible Word of God. for in due season we shall reap, 1. A 100% cooperation is needed from all local leaders in a commitment program which starts with the heart of man and reaches out to all of his resources. Mr. John Welford an outstanding layman of a Presbyterian Church in Memphis, will be one of the speakers. We, the members of the Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church, in order to carry out God’s mission and move forward together into the next century, profess our life together in Christ and our desire to set forth a united strategy for the work of His church. The minister should give thorough instruction to all newly-elected officers regarding all matters related to their office and personal life. They want a budget clothed in flesh and pulsing with challenge. The only added point the Board would emphasize at this time is that the matter of generous and sacrificial giving with the tithe as the minimum standard is NOT a choice between to tithe or not to tithe, BUT rather a choice to obey or to disobey God’s direction and command. We also reaffirm our historic stance that the Gospel should be offered freely to all sinners regardless of race or ethnicity through the preaching and teaching of God’s holy, inerrant and infallible Word. Our beliefs all stem from a full commitment to the authority of the Bible as the inerrant, infallible Word of God. The well-being of the entire church, local program and benevolent causes is dependent upon the acceptance of this challenge. Since there is not an abundance of study nor reports on this particular subject, and because biblical principles are being sought, the Board of Stewardship requested at its fall meeting that the Executive Board of Synod authorize the Committee on Theological and Social Concerns to act as a resource committee to the Board regarding this issue. Every church be urged to send a representative to the Stewardship Conference at Bonclarken during Laymen’s Weekend, August 7-9, 1964. 15:9). 2. (1965 Minutes, page 322), Until presbyteries and local sessions provide serious biblical leadership in the area of stewardship, the church will continue to struggle with not only a lack of tithing but with non-giving Christians as well. f. Have a re-study of the nature and mission of the church so that a more benevolent attitude may be developed. A program on Stewardship will be held at Bonclarken during the Conference in August with a guest speaker. 2. Today, only three small portions of the original Confession are denied by the RPCNA, besides qu… We affirm that salvation is by grace through faith in Jesus Christ and Him alone. The effect of sin is more than just the division between God and his creation. (1991 Minutes, pages 732, 733), While these benefits are clearly true, so too is the other side of the coin, which is that we disobey at our own peril. “Reformed” defines the doctrinal beliefs of the PCA, which holds that the purest expressions of scriptural doctrine are found in the Calvinistic creeds, particularly the Westminster Confession of Faith. Therefore, in all instances, one should seek to preserve the life of the unborn child. The report addressed two areas of stewardship: the organizational-educational area, and the spiritual area. Beliefs Carlisle Reformed Presbyterian Church is affiliated with the Presbyterian Church in America, a denomination which stands in the ancient heritage of true-to-the-Bible theology. There is a small number of churches that do not keep an accurate record of individual giving. To The General Synod, Due West, S. C. June 1-5, 1964. 5:1-2, 17, 8:29). 13:4). Through such reexamination, teachings of Scripture that have been hidden or distorted may be recovered and speak to us with a new power. Travel 150 This message must be so clear and so strong that “wayfaring men though fool should not err therein.”. Our foundational doctrinal statements are found in The Standards of the Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church, which we hold to be “the system of doctrine which is built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief cornerstone” (Associate Reformed Synod, May 31, 1799). Your moderator, Dr. C. R. Younts, was asked for permission to have a Stewardship speaker at the next meeting of the General Synod. 6. We believe God the Father gave His Son to save us from our sins. Although I am not Presbyterian as such, generally, most Christians of a ‘Historic Reformed’ theological persuasion (including Presbyterians) believe that the goal of history is the second coming of Christ (Matthew 24:3; 2 Peter 3:10). Books, pamphlets, and study guides recommended by your board to be used by the churches are: Money and the Church, by Luther P. Powell, Stewardship in Contemporary Theology, edited by T. K. Thompson, Stewardship Studies, by Roy L. Smith (devotional). Believing them to be a clear statement of what the Bible teaches, we accept as our subordinate standards the Westminster Confession of Faith and the Westminster Larger and Shorter Catechisms.. Additionally, we hold to the following … Under the caption “It is further recommended that:,” the following amendments were made: Item 1: ‘Every church be urged to send a representative,” etc. Little is being done throughout the church to encourage the children to know the meaning of Christian stewardship or to participate in this part of the church program. Year after year this reformed church body has reaffirmed its belief in the basic doctrines of historic Christianity. The officers of the Board of Stewardship are: W. P. Grier, chairman, A. R. Presbyterian Church, Mooresville, N. C.; J. The laymen of the denomination are lauded for their emerging role of leadership in the church. We earnestly strive to follow Christ and His apostles. We are REFORMED in doctrine, which means that we adhere to the enduring Biblical truths emphasized in the 16th century Protestant Reformation. The Reformed Presbyterian Church of North America is a visible Church of Jesus Christ. Our beliefs all stem from a commitment to the authority of the Bible as the true, complete and perfect Word of God. 3. In addition to the leadership difficulties on the local level, the Board’s 1965 report to the General Synod diagnosed another difficulty. Each Presbytery have Every Member Canvass workshop. c. Recognize that the elders and the deacons must work together in any effective stewardship program in the local church. 10:14, Amos 5:14-15, Rom. The Board of Stewardship requests a minimum of $450.00 for its 1964 budget. 3. The following definition of evangelical was adopted by the 1976 General Synod (and set forth in the Manual of Authorities and Duties): “The word ‘evangelical’ comes from a Greek root meaning ‘good news’ and it refers to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. As the report previously noted there is strong evidence that deacons, elders, and ministers are “not giving the caliber of leadership needed in the area of stewardship.”. “Be it resolved that the General Synod of the Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church, in its 192nd meeting, held at Flat Rock, N.C., June 10-13, 1996, reaffirm its strong position against abortion which was adopted in 1981, and, in light of the horrendous practice of partial-birth abortion being carried out in our society and being recently endorsed by the President of the United States, go on record to protest this evil which is nothing short of the murder of children and an offense to Almighty God in whose image all humanity is made. We recommend that each Presbytery have at least three laymen elected to work together with Synod’s board member in emphasizing stewardship in the Presbytery. What these tenets mean is that God is the supreme authority throughout the universe. All Scripture is … Whatever the definition, fund-raising is still governed by the biblical principles and policies discussed previously in this report and its various attachments.”. Replies to a recent questionnaire have given valuable information in helping to evaluate the stewardship picture in our denomination, both from the standpoint of finances and in other respects. For our immediate goal your board set the encouragement of total Christian family stewardship in the Associate Reformed Presbyterian Synod. Reports show that very few church officers receive any instruction whatsoever, beyond a few words at the time of their installation. It is evident that considerably more than half of the active members of the denomination did not receive one promotional pamphlet on the subject of stewardship last year. Their gift of time and talent is commended. In 1988 the Committee on Theological and Social Concerns in responding to two referrals on Capital Fund Campaigns made several statements as well on the tithe (reference 1988 Minutes, pages 572, 573). 4. Evangelicals believe: We believe that the Scriptures clearly and plainly testifies to the infinite worth of human life by virtue of man having been created in the image and likeness of God, and that decisions about life and death are God’s prerogatives and not man’s, and that even in the case of rare exceptions such as judgments by medical personnel about highly technical medical problems, human judgement should always stand in submission to the divine judgement and wisdom of God. (1963 Minutes, page 679). This must be resisted if God’s Word is to continue to speak with full authority to us. Calvin's theology was … (Minutes of the General Synod, 1979, p. 23), We believe Christ is the Son of God. Rooted in and shaped by a living tradition, we are part of the new creation in Christ which God is bringing into existence. Guy H. Smith, Jr., Stated Clerk, REPORT OF BOARD OP STEWARDSHIP (One Presbyterian church of 500 members-not a particularly outstanding church-gives more than twice as much to benevolences as our largest contributor to Synod’s budget. 20:17). 1. While we do not have the original autographs as evidence, we believe on faith that God’s Word in its entirety was accurately recorded by the original writers through divine inspiration and reliably transmitted to us. We believe that each Session must exercise wisdom in judging the propriety of fundraising. d. Engage in a thorough stewardship program and give serious consideration to conducting an every-member canvass (more than 67% of the reporting churches had no every-member canvass for 1964). 12:9, Titus 1:8). 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